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12th April 2012


None of us are perfect and especially being a business owner there are lots of things on a daily basis vying for your attention. Regardless, there are some common marketing mistakes to be aware of – do any of these sound familiar?

No Up-sell

If you sell more to each client, you’ll increase your turnover. This is often overlooked but it really is that simple. Ensure that you have the right presentation of the complimentary products / services ready to go. If you don’t’ then you can always consider a strategic partnership.

Have you ever been to Pizza Express for a meal? Have you ever noticed what happens when you order? You’re always asked if you’d like a side salad or garlic bread. This is a tad sales focused so if you want to increase the life-time value of your clients then think of ways to up-service! (I recently purchased a house and our friendly, professional conveyancers sent us a little pressie for our new home. Isn’t that simple (and inexpensive) but effective?)

No follow-up

There are some industries more guilty of this than others but doesn’t it drive you up the walls when you make an enquiry and no-one gets back to you. Taking this point a little further, a follow up isn’t one phone call or one email, you have to be persistent. (It might take between 5 to 8 times for your potential customer to touch your brand before they buy, can you build that into your customer journey?)

Making an impression

The right impression. Lots of businesses fall into the trap of making the first sale too difficult. You have to be able to incentivise first-time customers through pricing strategies or discount structures. (Remember, the lifetime value of the customer maybe worth the smaller margin up front).

No clear USP

We’ve all heard this one before, old isn’t it? Maybe but brands don’t always make it clear why customers should buy from you. Humanise your brand, communicate your values and make the “what’s in it for me” very clear!

You could try a guarantee – they’re very effective. Do you remember Pizza Hut’s “30 minutes or free” promise?

Customers first

Think like your customers, be your customers and put them first. This has a multitude of meanings it’s important for you to figure out what this means specifically to you. We talk about creating a buying persona ~ if you understand who you are talking to, you can talk to them more effectively.

If you want to redevelop your business, get in touch with our design team today.